
Competency-Based Medical Education Toolkit for Residency Programs

Getting Started With Competency Based Medical Education

The new ACGME Family Medicine Program requirements that went into effect in July 2023 include several components that require changes in how resident education is delivered and assessed. The requirements don’t include many of the former requirements for specific numbers of patient encounters, instead requiring residents to demonstrate competence.

Here are steps for getting started with competency-based medical education. Check back soon for updated recommendations, content, and resources.

  1. Review the ACGME Family Medicine Program Requirements and take note of language about assuring resident competence.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the Core Outcomes of Family Medicine Education. These were developed by the ACGME Family Medicine Review Committee and the American Board of Family Medicine and are, essentially, a list of their expectations for what should be observed and assessed.
  3. Consider which of the Core Outcomes of Family Medicine Education you're already assessing, and where there are gaps. This mapping, created by the STFM CBME Task Force, may be helpful.  
  4. Select competency-based assessment tools that provide multiple data points that inform entrustment decisions. Keep in mind that competency-based assessment is based on observable behaviors.
  5. Determine how to integrate individualized learning plans into your educational strategy.
  6. Create a plan and a schedule for faculty development.


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