Conference Partnership—Be One of Only 15 STFM Partners
Don’t miss your opportunity to be a part of the STFM Annual Spring Conference. We’re expecting another great turnout for our 2025 conference, so this is the ideal time and place to showcase your brand to nearly 1800 family medicine professionals. Participating at the STFM Annual Spring Conference goes way beyond traditional exhibiting. This is a relationship-based opportunity:
- You won't be lost in a crowd—there are only 15 partner opportunities available.
- You won’t be bored and lonely in an exhibit hall—you’ll be in the main conference area.
- You won’t be a commercial outsider—you’ll get a badge to attend educational sessions and events with attendees.
Conference Dates: May 3–7, 2025 • The Grand American & Little American Hotel • Salt Lake City, UT
Conference Attendance/Audience
Nearly 1800 family medicine education professionals representing the full spectrum of family medicine education attend this conference including MD, DO, PhD, PharmD, EdD, MPH, MA, PA, nurses, behavioral science professionals, administrators, residents, and students.
Conference Profile
The STFM Annual Spring Conference is the nation’s most energized networking forum for family medicine educators, with more than 600 educational and interactive seminars, lectures, research papers, and poster presentations focused on both teaching and research. Family medicine educators learn from the success of their peers and exchange ideas with more than 1,800 colleagues. This is the perfect venue for family medicine professionals and learners to share ideas and develop new skills to implement in the classroom and practice!
STFM Values Expected From Partners
- Partners/supporters should support the mission and vision of STFM.
- Company and organizational partners should promote family medicine education as a critical component of their mission.
- Partners should be familiar with and supportive of the STFM Strategic Plan.
Partnerships for the STFM Annual Spring Conference Are Limited
STFM will only offer this opportunity to the first 15 partners who apply. Full payment must be received in the STFM office by January 31, 2025.
Partnership Fee: $4900
As a partner, you'll receive:
- A display table (6’ x 30”) in a high-traffic area at the conference
- Logo placement on the conference website that links to your website
- Logo placement in an email to conference registrants (approximately 2 weeks before conference) with a link to your website
- A listing in a “Partner Handout” PDF emailed to all registrants. This will provide you an opportunity to share information about your product/service. STFM will include your website link with your description.
- Recognition on STFM’s social media (Facebook & X)
- A listing with a link in the conference mobile app
- One-time use of conference attendee mailing labels:
- Mailing piece must be pre-approved by STFM;
- Labels must be ordered and used prior to, or within 6 months following the conference
- Allow 2 weeks to process label request
- Attendee list, which you'll receive via email 1 week prior to the conference (Attendee list may not be used to contact attendees via email)
- One full registration to the conference, including admission to all events, educational sessions, and meals; You may request (2) additional badges for assisting staff (does not include full registration for the conference)
- Electricity and WiFi for your display
- Recognition on conference signage
Note: Partnership fees are not deductible as a charitable contribution. However, payments may be deductible as a business expense.
Application Process
STFM is limiting this offer to the first 15 partners who apply and are accepted by the STFM External Support Review Committee. This ensures our partners will enjoy maximum visibility and interaction with conference attendees. Applicants will be notified within 5 business days regarding application status.
- To become a partner, complete an Application of Interest.
- View the Terms of Agreement
Other Support Opportunities
These support opportunities are independent and not included with a conference partnership. Any Support of $4500 or more includes (1) complimentary registration to the Annual Spring Conference.
STFM President’s Reception = $5000
Includes an invitation to the President’s reception, and acknowledgement of supporters in the conference final program, the mobile app, and on signs during the reception.
Healthy Afternoon Refreshment Break = $5000
(A most requested benefit by conference attendees!)
Includes acknowledgment of supporters in the conference final program, the mobile app, and on signs during the refreshment break.
Registration “Give-Away” for Conference Attendees = $2500
Supporter will provide give-away items to STFM for distribution at the STFM registration desk. Conference partner give-aways should adhere to the AMA Ethical Guidelines, which state: “Some gifts that reflect customary practices of industry may not be consistent with the principles of medical ethics. To avoid the acceptance or distribution of inappropriate gifts, physicians should observe the following guidelines: Any gifts accepted by physicians individually should primarily entail a benefit to the patients and should not be of substantial value. Accordingly, textbooks and other gifts are appropriate if they serve a genuine educational function. Cash payments should not be accepted. Individual gifts of minimal value are permissible as long as the gifts are related to the physician’s work (e.g., pens and notepads). No gifts should be offered or accepted that create an obligation to the physician or registrant. For example, physicians should not accept gifts if they are given in relation to the physician’s prescribing practices.” All give-away items must be submitted to STFM for pre-approval. Giveaways must be associated with products or services of the partner’s institution/ company.
Food or beverage giveaways may be restricted, based on contractual agreements with the conference hotel.
Mobile App = $1500 (A most requested benefit by conference attendees!)
Includes banner ads in the mobile app, plus acknowledgment of the funder in the conference final program, the mobile app, and on signs that will be displayed throughout the conference.
One-Page Digital Insert = $1000
STFM will include a one-page supporter digital insert to be included with the conference “Partner Handout” PDF to be emailed to all registrants before the conference.
Mobile App “Push” = $500 per alert (up to 3 alerts)
STFM will send a push notification mobile app alert to conference attendees to encourage them to visit your partner table. You develop the content, which will be reviewed/approved by STFM before distribution; length of alert will be limited. (Limited to Conference Partners only; limited availability.)
Application Process
STFM is limiting this offer to the first 15 partners who apply and are accepted by the STFM External Support Review Committee. This ensures our partners will enjoy maximum visibility and interaction with conference attendees. Applicants will be notified within 5 business days regarding application status.
- To become a partner, complete an Application of Interest.
- View the Terms of Agreement.
Contact Sydney Brown at sbrown@stfm.org. Interested in partnering at multiple conferences? We'll create a custom package just for you.