About STFM


STFM works in collaboration with numerous organizations to advance family medicine. STFM holds membership in and/or provides support for the following: 

Center for History of Family Medicine

STFM supports the Center for the History of Family Medicine, the primary repository of information and resources on the history and evolution of general practice, family practice, and the specialty of family medicine in the United States.


STFM is a member of the World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians, also known as the World Organization of Family Doctors.

Council of Academic Family Medicine

The Council of Academic Family Medicine is comprised of the four academic family medicine organizations: the Association of Departments of Family Medicine, the North American Primary Care Research Group, the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, and the Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors.

AAMC Council of Faculty and Academic Societies

STFM has representation on the Association of American Medical College's Council of Faculty and Academic Societies.

Aquifer Family Medicine

Aquifer Family Medicine (formerly fmCASES) is a set of online, virtual patient cases that encompass the learning objectives of the National Family Medicine Clerkship Curriculum. These cases build clinical competency, fill educational gaps, and help instill the core values and attitudes of family medicine. 

Primary Care Collaborative

Representing a broad group of public and private organizations, the Primary Care Collaborative seeks to unify and engage diverse stakeholders in promoting policies and sharing best practices that support growth of high-performing primary care and achieve the Quadruple Aim.

Contact Us


11400 Tomahawk Creek Parkway

Leawood, KS 66211

(800) 274-7928
