Bright Light: Mary Nolan Hall, MD
STFM Member Mary Nolan Hall, MD, is chief academic officer and senior vice president of medical education and research at Atrium Health in Charlotte, NC and has been an STFM member since 1987, as well as past president of the STFM Board of Directors.
Mary's Story: STFM has always been my professional home. Beginning early in my career until now, it is the place where I find colleagues and friends with like-minded values and goals. Through connections made through STFM, as well as STFM's support, a group of us with interest in Balint and the doctor–patient relationship held seminars and workshops until we matured into our own organization. More recently, STFM’s focus on diversity, inclusion, and health equity spawned a multitude of educational programs and projects. In 2016, I joined other academic leaders to create a leadership development task force to address the lack of diversity among the leadership in academic family medicine, particularly women and underrepresented minorities. On a selfish note, I have been successful in my leadership role at a large health care system because of all that I have learned from my colleagues at STFM, my work on STFM committees, and participation on the STFM Board of Directors. Change in the country’s health care landscape is fast and furious, and STFM is on the cutting edge to make sure the academic community is prepared to drive this change.
Paying It Forward: When I realized how intentional the STFM Foundation is in supporting the development of a diverse, change ready workforce, I was called to support this work with my own financial contributions. I was very pleased when I realized my sustained giving to the future of family medicine and the STFM Foundation qualified me to join the Light the Torch Club.
Light the Torch: Transforming the future of family medicine would not be possible without the generosity of Mary Nolan Hall and countless other STFM members and supporters. Through these donations, the STFM Foundation supports STFM's priority to develop the pipeline for academic family medicine.
To learn more, click the button below, or contact Mindy Householder at mhouseholder@stfm.org or 800.274.7928.